Art Camp
-Landscape Painting
-Portrait Painting
-Bag Design
-T-Shirt Printing
-Character Design
-Sticker Printing
-Character Animation
-Digital Painting
-Character Doll

July 8-12th or Aug 19-23th Mon-Fri
9AM-12:30PM 3.5hr
$350/week, $80/day Sibling DC 10% OFF

225 Broad Ave, ST#301
Palisades Park NJ 07650
Email: csjung@370studios.com
Contact: 201.673.2146
Insta: @370studios
*Water and Snacks provided
Please let us know if your child have any allergy
*Students will work on 2 projects per day.
Please check website for daily schedule
Why should you choose
Creative art exercise is one of the most important building blocks of a development for our children.
Our studnets learn to cooperate with teammates, creative visual theme, decision making, color theory, and so many other skill sets.
Our teachers encourage studnets to think outside of the box, to consider different perspectives, and to invent ideas instead of simply following directions, which leads to happier and more confident kids.
Students will primarily work on 2 projects per day.
Students will create a project invloving their favorite character, landmark, and splash art
Students will learn how to create digital artwork including character design, sticker design, and animation
Students will learn art fundamentals such as lines, shapes, patterns, and colors using painting, marker, pencil, and colored pencil
Clay and collage help stimulates the student's curiosity, encourages experimentation, and allows them to create 3 dimensional objects.

370STUDIOS is having an impactful Summer Camp this year in 2024.
We have included T-Shirt printing, Paper Doll making, Mug cup printing in our curriculum.
Students get to have a chance to design and print their creative ideas and embed them on the shirts and mugs!
Please refer to the summer art camp poster below!
We look forward to seeing you all!
Please feel free to contact us for any questions.
For more information, please call us at 2016732146 or email at csjung@370studios.com
You can also find more information on our website, www.370studios.com
Have a great day!
안녕하세요 어머니들,
이번 2024년 여름 저희 370STUDIOS가 지루한 아이들의 여름을 익사이팅하게 보낼수 있도록 썸머캠프를 진행합니다.
페인팅, 찰흙, 종이접기부터 스티커제작, 머그컵 디자인, 티셔츠 디자인 등 다양하게 아이들의 상상력을 그리고 만들며 손에 쉬어볼수 있는 창의적인 수업을 진행합니다.
일시: 7월 8-12일, 또는 8월 19-23일 (월-금 5일)
장소: 225 Broad Ave ST#301, Palisades Park NJ 07650 (팰팍 로데오플라자 3층)
시간: 9AM-12:30PM 3.5hr
수업비: $350/week, $80/day 다자녀 DC 10% OFF
Email: csjung@370studios.com
Contact: 201.673.2146
Insta: @370studios